Hi, I’m
Growing up, I was always obsessed with beauty and makeup. The way colors and contours could enhance a face, the way good hairstyling could make a woman look gorgeous, these were the things I noticed on TV and in magazines. It was all I could think about. In fact, when asked what I wanted to be when I grow up, the answer in my head was always the same….” a beautician!” This obsession led me to a specialized hair and makeup training academy in Canada in 2017. As I was about to begin the academy, I started some social media to document the journey to let the public know what I was embarking upon. It turned out to be a lifelong dream come true.
I am always dedicated to providing a clear timeline to make sure there is a stress free setting with all the information to prepare sent out to all the party’s clients.
Always eager to learn about all the other vendors involved such as photographers to insure my makeup styles match their aesthetic. I only book what I know I can handle so that each client gets the attention deserved. I am upfront with my capabilities and or limitations. I believe in transparency. I look forward to working with you!
Same sex wedding friendly
Forms of payment accepted: venmo, cash, cashier’s check, one payment accepted for contract balance from contractual client, not from multiple guests
Travel Fees apply to all on location services
Popular Destination Prices: Jonesborough $35, TriCities $35, Nashville $500, Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge Area $135, Knoxville $150
Major Holidays have a minimum order requirement
Trials do not guarantee date requested, only a deposit and contract does